Susanne Lau

Professor Susanne Lau

Prof. Susanne Lau, M.D., PhD, is a consultant for paediatric allergy and pneumology at the Charité Medical University of Berlin, Germany. She is the head of the department of Paediatric Allergy and Pneumology and is responsible for paediatric bronchoscopy at Charité since 2008. Prof. Lau is also co-chair of the section of paediatrics within the German Society of Allergology and Clinical Immunology (DGAKI). 

Research Activities

  • Indoor allergen exposure
  • Development of childhood asthma
  • Impact of the microbiome on atopic eczema and asthma
  • Several cohort and interventional trials:
    • Multicentre allergy study MAS90: funded by the German Research Foundation DFG and the German Ministry of Education and Research BMBF
    • Prophylaxis of atopic eczema with bacterial lysate Pro-Symbioflor PAPS, funded by Symbiopharm, Herborn-Germany and the Ministry of Agriculture and Nutrition: GI-MDH: Darmmikrobiom, Ernährung und Gesundheit: Die Bedeutung für Asthma, Allergie und Adipositas; (Aktenzeichen 315-06.01-2815ERA05E).
    • Project B1 “Microbiome burden and the role of environmental exposure for food allergy and tolerance” in the Clinical Research Group “Food Allergy and Tolerance – Food@” (339, DFG funded) 2019-2022
  • Several clinical trials according to GCP since 1999
  • Numerous publications Hirsch Index: 57 (54).
  • Associate Editor of “Respiratory Medicine” since 2013
  • Section Editor “Paediatric Allergy and Immunology” since 2013
  • Editorial Board of “Allergy” since March 2018

Research Awards

  • Lucie Adelsberger Medaille 2019 (GPA)
  • FARE Award 2004
  • Klosterfrau Award 2002
  • Johannes Wenner Award 1988
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