COVID-19 Long term effects explored – Lung damage & neurological Sequelae

This episode of EUFOREA News examines the coronavirus pandemic, specifically the respiratory and neurological complications arising from infection with the SARS COV 2 Virus. Following the global vaccination programme against SARS Cov 2, life might start resembling something we once remembered. However, thousands of people across the globe are suffering from long term effects of the virus (‘long covid’), particularly lung damage and neurological sequelae But globally there are thousands of people suffering from long term effects of the virus particularly lung damage and neurological sequelae.

Join Professor Paul Boon, President-Elect of the European Academy of Neurology and Professor of Neurology at the University of Ghent along with Dr Raja Dhar who is Director and Head of the Department of Pulmonology at CK Birla Hospitals in India as we explore the long term effects of Covid-19 and what physicians should be on the lookout for.

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