Raising the Bar in Respiratory Care

EU Symposium

In 2021, the European Commission launched the ‘Healthier Together – EU non-communicable diseases (NCD) initiative’ to support EU countries in identifying and implementing effective policies and actions to reduce the burden of major non-communicable diseases, and to improve citizens’ health and well-being. Respiratory Diseases were one of five focus areas including: a) cardiovascular diseases, b) diabetes, c) chronic respiratory diseases, d) mental health and neurological disorders, and e) health determinants.

Each focus area of this initiative aims to address health inequity, support improved knowledge and data, diagnosis and treatment management, and improve patient’s quality of life.

These EU-wide ambitions are at the heart of EUFOREA’s mission of ‘Raising the bar in Respiratory Care.’ EUFOREA takes a holistic approach in its programme development- including the representation of real patients in discussions with top medical experts as the organisation develops tools for use in clinical practice.

Following the success of the launch of the Global Chronic Rhinosinusitis with Nasal Polyps Awareness Day by EUFOREA in 2022 in which European patients addressed major needs, EUFOREA organised 2 strategic brainstorm meetings with medical experts and patients in London, in April 2023 and in Brussels, June 2023, with the ambitions to take the patients requests seriously and to implement strategies for improvement of care for chronic respiratory diseases including prevention, improved knowledge of comorbidities, and improved communication and collaboration with all health care providers to achieve optimal patient outcomes.

The symposium video is out now! Watch it here!


Interviews recorded at the EUFOREA Symposium. Watch now!

This event is hosted by:

Dorien Rookmaker – European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR)

and co-hosted by a Member of the European Parliament:

Mislav Kolakušić - Non-attached Member of the European Parliament

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